This morning was a
gorgeous morning here in Geraldine! The wind finally quit and left us with sunny, warm weather! You would never believe it is mid-January. This was the perfect morning to get my calvies vaccinated and the sick alpaca doctored up.
For those of you that aren't ranchers, I'll show you a little about how we do that....
First we tell them good morning and ask them to pretty please go over into the catch pen like good boys....
Then once they are in the catch pen, which is behind the chute, we open the chute and ask them if they would please all go in the chute all nice and orderly.... The alpacas watch and laugh at them!
Everyone was perfectly well behaved today as did just what we asked....
Then I walk along the foot rail, on the outside of the chute. I lean over each one and give them a little shot under the skin of their necks with this thing....
After about two minutes, everyone had their shot and they were ready to be let out to go eat breakfast....
See... there ya go. Piece of cake!
I know it's a little weird. But for some reason there is almost nothing I like better than messing with cows. I am far from being any kind of an expert at any of this. I've been lucky enough to occasionally participate in brandings, gathering, vaccinating, calving and such throughout my life. I know I have so much more to learn. But I love the accomplishment of the work involved. I love being outside in the fresh air, even though it usually smells like manure. I love the sound of the cattle bawling.... The only thing better than working cows, is being on a horse while working cows!
Now that is my idea of a great day.... I know, I know.... I'm probably a little strange.
Bye for now,