Monday, August 12, 2013

Magic Morning

The rugrats are my alarm clock.  They wake up early and come find me in my bed.  Sometimes I can grab them, hoist them up there with me and steal a few minutes of snuggle time.  But not this morning.  I woke up to both little ones saying, "Uh oh!" and repeating it a few times.  I don't think anything makes a momma move faster than those words first thing in the morning!  I rushed out to find them staring out the picture window in the living room....

The fog was so thick that I had to wait to take these pictures.  We couldn't see anything beyond the yard.  But after a little bit our world was revealed again....

Why does everything seem so magical when there's fog? 

While I was out in the front yard enjoying the dewy grass in my bare feet, I could hear the horses galloping towards me.  They seemed to appear out of nowhere and galloped past me, back into the mist....

Then the sun started burn it's way through a little more....

I was able to sneak a couple more minutes of magic while the rugrats ate their breakfast....

Then it was time to face the day.

Have a great day everyone,

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