This morning I loaded up the kids and headed over to my old stomping grounds to pick up some piglets. We took a quick tour of Cascade to show my kids where I grew up and then stopped in Ulm for the pigs. Originally we had planned to get six weaned piglets from the little gal that raises them for her 4-H project. But the day I had planned to pick them up, I ended up in the hospital instead. By the time I got the all clear from the doctors, she only had three left. So here are our three little pigs....
They are a Red Wattle cross. Red Wattles are a critically endangered, heritage breed and I am all over that. I also love their little wattles! So dang cute! Now I am off to study up on how to raise pork in the healthiest, most natural way possible.... Wish me luck!
Bye for now,
They're adorable! At this stage, anyway ;)