Thursday, January 23, 2014

Mystical Montana

This morning we woke up to fog so thick we couldn't see past the yard..... I had to wait quite a while to take these photos for you.

Fog is probably one of my favorite natural occurrences. I know I have written about it before. (Click here to check out that post.)  Fog doesn't happen all that often out here.  Usually it signals a weather change is on it's way.  I'm praying this fog means Spring! A girl can hope right?  I do know we have February to get through yet. But when March rolls around we can usually at least feel a hint of Spring in the air.  I'm probably getting ahead of myself....
But it's easy to start thinking ahead to brighter, warmer days when everything is looking so beautiful!
I can't even believe I get to wake up to this wonderland....
It's a long way from the Seattle traffic or Houston chaos that were once my life....

Mystical Montana at it's finest....
Well kids, I am off to go fire up the old John Deere and roll out some brand new, fresh straw in the barn. 
Bye for now,

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